Hello World
Hello World!
Or maybe rather:
std::cout << "Hello World\n"
Welcome to my personal blog!

Why I decided to start a blog?
Creating my own space on the web have always been my dream. I always wanted to share my projects, knowledge, tips&tricks or unusual experiences with others. Also, I wanted to have my kind-of portfolio online, which serves the purpose of my CV. Is there a better way to do this than starting a blog?
Why Hugo?
I wanted to have my content organized, portable, easily accesible and editable. I am not a web developer, so the less frontend work the better. Static site generator sounds like a silver bullet for my needs. Among multiple choices, Hugo is recommended to be fast, secure, user friendly and powerful.
About structure
Intially I planned to have blog and a personal wiki in one site. However when exploring available Hugo themes it turned out, that there is no nice-looking theme capable of serving both.
Then I decided to use great Obisidian as a local wiki backed up by github repo based synchronization and separate it from the main blog page.
What’s next?
I am going to iteratively add new features and content to this blog. Some improvements include:
- comments system
- completed projects
- search functionality
- content, content and even more content
I hope youwill be tolerative, since this is my first blog ever :)
Keep yours fingers crossed and stay tuned!